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  • Writer's pictureAttorney Michael Horowitz

Attorney Horowitz Wins Appellate Reversal

Updated: Mar 22, 2019

The Law Office of Michael Horowitz appealed a trial court’s dismissal of our client’s application for post-conviction relief. The trial attorney had certified that client’s case had merit and asked to be withdrawn from the case. The trial court agreed with the trial attorney and dismissed the case, effectively ended client's hopes for a favorable result.

Attorney Horowitz argued that both trial counsel and the trial court failed to adequately consider client’s case. Attorney Horowitz identified several arguments that both the attorney and court failed to address several other issues that seemed potentially meritorious. The Alaska Court of Appeals agreed and reversed the trial court’s judgment and directed the trial court to renew its consideration of client’s case. The unpublished decision can be found here.

Court of Appeals Courthouse


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